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Version: v6


Header is a root component of a page that aligns itself to the top of the page. It is recommended to be used as a wrapper for one or more toolbars, but it can be used to wrap any element. When a toolbar is used inside of a header, the content will be adjusted so it is sized correctly, and the header will account for any device safe areas.

Basic Usage

Translucent Header

Headers can match the transparency found in native iOS applications by setting the translucent property. In order to see the content scrolling behind the header, the fullscreen property needs to be set on the content. This effect will only apply when the mode is "ios" and the device supports backdrop-filter.

Condensed Header

Ionic provides the functionality found in native iOS applications to show a large toolbar title and then collapse it to a small title when scrolling. This can be done by adding two headers, one above the content and one inside of the content, and then setting the collapse property to "condense" on the header inside of the content. This effect will only apply when the mode is "ios".

Fade Header

Many native iOS applications have a fade effect on the toolbar. This can be achieved by setting the collapse property on the header to "fade". When the page is first loaded, the background and border on the header will be hidden. As the content is scrolled, the header will fade back in. This effect will only apply when the mode is "ios".

This functionality can be combined with a Condensed Header as well. The collapse property with a value set to "fade" should be on the header outside of the content.

Usage with Virtual Scroll

A fade header requires a scroll container to work properly. When using a virtual scrolling solution, a custom scroll target needs to be provided. Scrolling on the content needs to be disabled and the .ion-content-scroll-host class needs to be added to the element responsible for scrolling.


In "md" mode, the header will have a box-shadow on the bottom. In "ios" mode, it will receive a border on the bottom. These can be removed by adding the .ion-no-border class to the header.



Descriptionヘッダーに適用されるスクロール効果を記述します。iOS modeでのみ適用されます。 通常、折りたたみ式ラージタイトルに使用します。
Type"condense" | "fade" | undefined


Type"ios" | "md"


Descriptiontrueの場合、ヘッダーは半透明になります。modeが "ios" で、デバイスが backdrop-filter をサポートしている場合にのみ適用されます。 注意:ヘッダーの後ろにコンテンツをスクロールさせるには、コンテンツに fullscreen 属性が設定されている必要があります。


No events available for this component.


No public methods available for this component.

CSS Shadow Parts

No CSS shadow parts available for this component.

CSS Custom Properties

No CSS custom properties available for this component.


No slots available for this component.