The Range slider lets users select from a range of values by moving the slider knob. By default one knob controls the value of the range. This behavior can be customized using dual knobs.
By default the Range slider has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 100. This can be configured with the min and max properties.
Labels and custom UI elements can be slotted on either side of the range by adding slot="start" or slot="end" to the element. The element can be any element, such as an ion-label, ion-icon or a div. If the directionality of the document is set to left to right, the contents slotted to the start position will display to the left of the range, where as contents slotted to the end position will display to the right of the range. In right to left (rtl) directionality, the contents slotted to the start position will display to the right of the range, where as contents slotted to the end position` will display to the left of the range.
Dual knobs introduce two knob controls that users can use to select a value at a lower and upper bounds. When selected, the Range will emit an ionChange event with a RangeValue, containing the upper and lower values selected.
The ionKnobMoveStart event emits when the Range knob begins dragging, whether through mouse drag, touch gesture or keyboard interaction. Inversely, ionKnobMoveEnd emits when the Range knob is released. Both events emit with the RangeValue type and work in combination with the dualKnobs property.
Range includes CSS Shadow Parts to allow complete customization of specific element nodes within the Range component. CSS Shadow Parts offer the most customization capabilities and are the recommended approach when requiring advance styling with the Range component.
While not required, this interface can be used in place of the CustomEvent interface for stronger typing with Ionic events emitted from this component.